Monday, September 5, 2011

The Bends

Forward bends and I haven't been getting along well this week. I'm beginning to think that my body was not made to do poses like Padangusthasana. My body simply does not yet bend like that. I'd love to make my body into a straight line and grab my big toes but it just isn't in the cards right now. I've been trying to better prepare my body for these forward bending poses by trying to get deeper into poses I can do such as downward dog and supta padangusthasana. 

As far as other practices go, I feel as if my downward dog gets better every time I do it. I'm also able to get deeper into triangle pose and the second warrior pose than I was before. My body seems to be loosening up quite a bit, especially my hamstrings.

My biggest problem has been remembering exactly how to do the poses we do in class. But then I remembered that the Internet exists. I started looking at the poses we have been doing on It's definitely helped me begin to learn the Sanskrit names of the poses as well as refresh my memory on how to do them correctly. Your practice must be done correctly, for then a firm foundation is laid. 


  1. just keep practicing. If you don't get it quite right, it is okay. you've planted the seeds of practice. the internet example is a good example of good use of memory.

  2. Cool website, thanks for posting that. I also get confused with the names and pretty soon I am standing there in tree zoning out on one point in the wall.
    I feel ya' on the forward bends, and I think a lot of the other inflexible issues we hit. I know the forward motion of running and walking doesn't seem to help things much.

  3. I've also noticed that my downward dog seems to be getting better, even though that's not one I necessarily practice all the time. Or perhaps it just seems easier after we've been doing lots of other difficult poses :)

    Also, thanks for the reminder about the internet. Duh. You'd think I'd remember that.
