Depending on the day, I have been doing my asana practice either before bed or after I wake up. This week I have been focusing primarily on Virabhadrasana I and II, Downward Dog, Utthita Trikonasana, and the set of poses that derive from Tadasana. I am trying to gain the flexibility and strength needed to practice Virabhadrasana III, half moon pose, and Eagle pose correctly. I have been trying to practice correctly whether it be making sure my arms are straight or my pelvis is facing forward or whether the center of my back foot lines up with my heal in Virabhadrasana II. I find myself getting better at these poses but still have work to do.
Yoga has begun to consume my days, whether in my thoughts or my actions. The practice of yoga has definitely extended beyond the physical to the point where I'm having conversations with people about what it might mean to detach from painful memories and what that might look like. The practice of yoga has given me a new lens through which to evaluate my life and my decisions.
On a different note, while standing at church today I couldn't help but realize my feet moved into Tadasana, my shoulders came back, I engaged my quadriceps and lifted my chest and just like that I was doing yoga in church. I also have been doing certain poses to stretch out my shoulders, arms, and hamstrings before I go climbing. It has been great.
glad to hear yoga is permeating your life already!!!