Sunday, September 25, 2011


In order to prepare for more advanced poses I figured I should work on some areas that I am particularly weak in. My main focus this week has been on poses that stretch the ankles and tops of the feet like Virasana.   My right ankle and foot in particular leaves these poses much more sore than the left. In addition to these poses I have been doing some calf mashing to better get into Gomukhasana. I still can't do the pose but that's fine because I'm getting closer. That's what it's all about right? 

I've been making it a point, even on days when I don't have time for a full practice, to spend time in legs up the wall or half lotus and bring my focus inward. As a result I've found my attitudes towards different aspects of my life starting to change. Take failure for instance, as I sit and think about my day and reflect on my yoga practice rather than get frustrated with what I can't do or what I have done incorrectly I'm beginning to see these experiences as teaching moments. I'm interested to see how this attitude will begin playing out in my day to day life.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to the whole "teaching moments" thing, but I hadn't stopped to consider how I might take this rather newfound relationship to "failure" and apply it to other areas of my life. You da bomb, Dan.
