Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yoga for Dudes

Crux (noun): something that torments by its puzzling nature; a perplexing difficulty; a critical, decisive, or pivotal point.

I'm Dan and I'm going to be blogging about my new life as a yogi. I did yoga once a week for most of my freshman year and continued certain practices up until now. As both a runner and a rock climber I have noticed a benefit from doing certain balance poses and I use certain other poses as a means to stretch out my arms, trunk, and shoulders. Yoga for me has thus far been a physical endeavor and I have yet to approach it in a philosophical manner. This brings me to my first reason for taking the class, to explore my inner self. Having spent the past 3 years existing in the complex, dynamic, and liminal space between childhood and the remainder of life has left me uncertain of who I am but has set me on a path to find that person. This class for me acts as part of the search. I don't expect to reach enlightenment nor unlock the secrets of the universe. I do however hope to find out characteristics of my self that I have previously been unaware of. Through outward expressions of balance, strength, and flexibility I hope to bring order to the chaos of my soul as I journey from this liminal state of young adulthood to the future.  

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