I practice yoga most days. I'm fairly certain that had I not been injured earlier this semester I would not have chosen to do yoga as much as I do. It just happened to be one of the only means of physical activity I can still do. I'm really glad I've been set down this path though. I've began to notice subtle changes in my thinking, my actions, and my interactions with others. I've also been spending a greater amount of time reflecting. When in a resting pose or upside down for several minutes I tend to think through the day that has passed and interactions I've had. On several occasions after coming out of head stand or shoulder stand I've had moments of clarity where the vrittis seem stilled, if only for a moment. For instance this Wednesday I came home after a long day of class and meetings feeling frustrated and worn out. I spent some time being angry and my mind was racing with negative thoughts. Rather than continue to let everything fester I realized I had a tool to deal with these fluctuations. I stood on my head and then stood on my shoulders before laying in shavasana. After coming out of the poses my mind was calmed and I gained some clarity on the situations that had frustrated me. I decided to change my mindset for the following day and ended up having one of the best days of the semester. Thanks yoga.
This coming week however I won't be able to do anything. I'm a little frustrated by that already. I don't know how to not do anything.
well, you can read about yoga, that is doing something.